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Shanks came long way. From being a mare apprentice to sitting In front of Whitebeard as Yonko.

Ya Ya • 2 years ago

Fr like WB was his captain's rival while shanks himself didn't even know how to fight at that time

Abhinav Neoharys Varma • 1 year ago

Hanging around and witnessing the truth made him strong, not to mention his journey was already over so he had a lot spare time to get buff

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

Buggy predicted Blackbeard. All hail Captain Buggy!

TomTheCat • 2 years ago

Buggy D. Clown

CallMeYourOverlord • 2 years ago

He stayed awake for three days while Roger and Whitebeard were clashing hakis.As expected of captain buggy

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

Expected nothin less from Captain Buggy

Straw Hat Pirates • 1 year ago

He survived without a scar. As expected from Buggy-sama

blacksparkss21 • 12 months ago

Buggy op af :D

Fruit punch samurai • 4 months ago

Advance haki pro

Ya Ya • 2 years ago

I see oden had a different place in WB's heart as he calls everyone his sons while oden is his younger brother

CurseD Robin • 2 years ago

Now we know the reason the position of 2nd division commander was left empty, it was special to him so he didn't assign anyone until Ace came along

blacksparkss21 • 12 months ago


Aly • 2 years ago

Im just smiling throughout the episode

And thus, Izou fought along with Whitebeard as a division commander in marineford war to save Ace.

onigiri • 2 years ago

the faces they make when they’re annoyed lol

GodComplex • 2 years ago

People seriously underestimate Buggy's might. How many others have you seen poking their fingers inside Shanks' nose besides Buggy?

Kangaroo • 2 years ago

That commercial break was gold

for real!

BreeZy Venerable • 2 years ago

There’s never a boring day in oden’s life

i had the wrong idea of the roger pirates lol

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

What an awesome episode. I legit did not expect Oden to join Roger for a year. Crazy to think the Straw Hats have someone crazy smart like Robin deciphering the poneglyphs while Roger used Oden lol!!!

And man the animation has been beautiful for this flashback.

I really hope at some point they tell us what every single poneglyphs says, because there are some that aren't necessary for the One Piece but I still am interested in what they would be about.

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

well, Dogstorm and Cat Viper already said that they sailed on Roger's ship for a year with Oden back in Zou

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

oh seems like I forgot about it at that time hehe

chrollo lucfer • 2 years ago

i thought he would be more like luffy but the guy is actually ace father just little goffy

Yandere • 2 years ago

I couldn’t stop smiling while watching this

Straw Hat Pirates • 1 year ago

Same, I thought I accidentaly ate a failed Smile df

JDC • 2 years ago

now this feels like pirates. Its all about the loot and robbing people. Lately one piece has been too much about saving countries.

zzz • 1 year ago

Yeah its kinda weird but also fits considering luffys goal is freedom rather than money or power

luka docula • 1 year ago

Well i guess depends on their era too and situations and maybe that's why they call luffy's the one who will change the new era with peace...

Kyogy • 2 years ago

That's what the last 4 arcs and the current arc has been about. The Strawhats are literally just superheroes.

CurseD Robin • 2 years ago

Lol only luffy does that others are busy looting countries

Radical Edward • 2 years ago

daddy Rayleigh though lmao

Luffytoro • 2 years ago

My respect for White Beard and Roger 📈📈📈📈⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ I luv both smmmm

BlueVanillite • 2 years ago

That boy Momonosuke been on the ships of the greatest pirate captains in the world since he was in diapers!

Kibamaru_90 • 11 months ago

Not one or two but three of them.

アホ! • 2 years ago

so technically speaking momo might have been or seen raftel

KiriShenpai • 2 years ago

lol introducing gold roger's crew, we got:
rayleigh but with axes
other strong ass dudes
a red haired child
a baby clown

Matt Davidson • 2 years ago

This isn't the first time Roger seemed to know that he had a limited amount of time to live. I wonder if he knew something nobody else knew, or if he ate a devil fruit that let him see the future. There's also that seen of Oden on Roger's ship where Oden says they have to be ready for the big event that's going to happen in about 20 years.

shazzprince • 1 year ago

Exactly. I was thinking how Roger and Oden knew about always was going to happen 20 years later.

sha chan • 2 years ago

Shanks and buggy is soo cute also i love how cat and dog follows oden around

Jonah • 2 years ago

This is the best filler arc I've ever seen in an anime hands down. They should make a movie for this arc.

paminta maparas • 1 year ago

it isnt filler its a flashback

Kangaroo • 2 years ago

wait...this is filler??

Kyogy • 2 years ago


Raditz • 2 years ago

I agree bro, and we watching together xd

asjads • 2 years ago

whatever may happen but don't forget that, 'oden wouldn't be oden, if it wasn't boiled.'

onigiri • 2 years ago

shanks and buggy friendship goals

Random Guy #332 • 2 years ago

Panda Man spotted! 22:34

LuffyButBetter • 2 years ago